Active tourism
La Manga del Mar Menor
Solaz Lines les ofrece un amplio abanico de rutas en barco, tanto en el Mar Menor por sus diferentes islas, como en el Mediterráneo por la Isla Grosa y por la Bahía de Mazarrón. Navegamos por entornos de alto valor medioambiental ...
Soportales de la Plaza del Castillo
Lugares de interés
Did you know that these arcades date back to 1725? They were once built to house the boxes that some families owned. The fact is that wealthy people used to go to these boxes to comfortably watch the shows that took place in the square. The ...
Soportales Plaza del Castillo
Did you know that these arcades date back to 1725? They were once built to house the boxes that some families owned. The fact is that wealthy people used to go to these boxes to comfortably watch the shows that took place in the square. The ...
Soto de la Hijuela
Lugares de interés
Molina de Segura
Paraje municipal recuperado ambientalmente en 1999, posee plantaciones propias de nuestro río, como álamos, tarays, olmos, etc. Se encuentra cerca del casco urbano y dispone de equipamiento para el uso público, con mesas ...