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+ Info
This Murcia town is famous, in
addition to the Shrine of Our Lady
of Hope, because of its important rice
plain where rice is produced with the
Calasparra Designation of Origin.
Along with the other area attractions
that are sure to nourish mind, body
and soul, its privileged location and
history make Calasparra a special
With four rivers and two reservoirs,
Calasparra's waters attract visitors, not
only because of their rich landscape,
but also because of the variety of
activities to be enjoyed, including
caving in the Cave of the Port and
canyoning. The descending River
Segura through the Almadenes
Canyon runs through the Protected
Natural Reserve of the Cañaverosa
Riverside Forest, where some of the
last otters in the Region live, along
with a large variety of waterfowl. This
is truly a paradise for the senses.
In addition, Calasparra is known for its SHRINE OF
cave paintings, named a World OUR LADY OF HOPE
Heritage Site by UNESCO, and for
archaeological sites from the The Shrine of Our Lady of Hope, Inside, the main altarpiece is Camarín and Museum. The Camarín is
Palaeolithic era and Hispanic-Muslim patron saint of Calasparra, is located in featured, decorated in green and gold where several images of the Virgin are
art. the area known as "Lomad de la with Marian symbols. At its centre, the saved. In the Museum, the trappings
Virgen", a place of great beauty on image of the Virgin is situated, which of the Virgin are kept, including
the banks of the River Segura. Today, is composed of two figures. The image garments, jewellery and clothing.
the Shrine is a renowned place of of Our Lady of Hope, known as La
pilgrimage, celebrating a Jubilee Holy Grande, is a classic carving from the Other religious monuments in this
Year in 2008. sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, town are the Church of San Pedro,
whose head is the only original Church of Los Santos, Church of la
The first written reference to the element, which was donated in 1617 Merced, Hermitage of Ecce-Homo and
Shrine dates from the early by Juana Sánchez. The image of "La Hermitage of San Miguel.
seventieth century, when Alonso Pequeñica" is a mystery, since its
Benítez de Munera founded the origins and date of completion are still
Fuensanta hermitage, which is now unknown.
known as the Shrine of Our Lady of
Hope (although there is evidence that After passing the hermitage, in the
the Virgin was venerated long before). annexed building are the rooms of the