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What to eat
The gastronomy of Yecla is another The fried goat cheese is served with
temptation one cannot resist. tomato, also fried, which is an exquisite
Gachamiga, gazpacho and fried cheese blend of extraordinary simplicity. It is usually
with tomato made up the traditional served accompanied by a red or rosé wine.
diet of the Yecla peasant, which
provided the necessary calories to The fried cakes, yeast fermented
combat the winter cold and harsh sourdough fried in plenty of oil, can be
winter conditions. Meatballs were on eaten with sugar, salt, anchovies, honey,
the menu for the most important days, but not forgetting to be served without a
but nowadays are preserved as part of good rosé wine.
the culinary collective memory which is
shared with visitors. The meatballs, also called filling, are
the highlight of the cuisine of Yecla. They
The gachamiga, probably of Arab are made with breadcrumbs soaked in
origin, are cooked with flour, oil, garlic water and milk, chopped lean meat, pine
and water. They are often eaten from the nuts, parsley and spices, boiled in the
pan itself and generously washed down stock of a traditional stew.
with red wine and certain sour dressings.
Included among the typical sweets stand
Gazpachos are also very typical dishes. out the libricos (waffle biscuits),
It is a casserole of game meat or poultry handmade according to the recipe handed
and mountain snails, shredded into down through families. Its ingredients are
small pieces, served on a very thin wafers and honey. The pan bendito (holy
pancake of unleavened bread. bread) is made with flour, eggs, oil and
Other ingredients such as tuna, peppers sugar. It is kneaded coinciding with the
or mushrooms can be added. Its final feast of San Blas (Saint Blas Saints Day).
presentation is very curious looking, but Sequel's, magdalenas, toñas, galletas and
having a very nice taste to it. They are rollicos de anís (sweet pastry, muffins,
eaten served accompanied with a good biscuits), cap off the delicious catalogue.
red wine and onion in vinegar.
Where to stay
Consult the accommodation establishments
adhered to the Yecla Wine Route.