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Wine Route
Do you like history? And wine? In Bullas culture connected to the wine from the
one can combine both pleasures finding lands of the interior of Murcia. It is the
the source of a secular dedication to best way for one to become acquainted
growing grapes and the making of with the culture and participate in the
wines. This is apparent following the consolidation of a sustainable
discovery of the Roman villa of Los development model.
Cantos of the Niño de las Uvas (Child of
the Grapes) sculpture or the abundant If a grape variety is inextricably linked to
documentation preserved in the various the land, it is the Monastrell (or
archives. From these included is the Mourvèdre). It entails the unmistakable
description by the historian Martin de identity of the ancient Kingdom of
Ambel as regards Bullas wine production Murcia and it is the autochthonous
in 1657 or the Chapter Minutes of 1849 variety of this Designation of
describing the traditional artisan method Origin which encompasses the
of elaborating wine. municipalities of Bullas, Calasparra,
Caravaca de la Cruz, Cehegín, Lorca,
Only in this old town centre are Moratalla, Mula, Pliego and Ricote.
conserved in whole or in part over 200
traditional wineries, the majority built Of a compact appearance, small grain
between the eighteenth and nineteenth and of a very intense blue-violet
centuries. Bullas, in addition to its colour, endowing a strong personality
wellknown natural, architectural, to the wines of Bullas, not only due to
historical and artisanal attractions, is a its colour, aroma and flavour, but also
municipality traditionally linked to wine by the abundance of chemical
culture which has shaped over time the components which imbue it with
environment, heritage and the welcoming properties beneficial to one's health.
nature and manner of its people. The Regulatory Council
guarantees its protection, limiting
The Bullas Wine Route will enable one the use of other varieties and ensuring
to become acquainted with the rich the quality of the wines produced.