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                                                                  A private social club with a neoclassical facade and a
                                                                  beautiful courtyard of Arabic influence. It has been declared
                                                                  to be a National Historic and Artistic Monument and
                                                                  considered as a Cultural Asset. Must-sees are the Arabic
                                                                  Courtyard, the Ballroom, the Ladies' Cloakroom… Near the
                                                                  Real Casino, there are some other relevant 19th century
                                                                  buildings which are very interesting too, such as the Town
                                                                  Hall, the Romea Theatre, the picturesque Plaza de las Flores
                                                                  square, and the beautiful Paseo del Malecón, which is the
                                                                  entrance to the neighbouring huerta.

 Two of the main architectural treasures from Murcia can be   This sanctuary is 5 and a half km away from the city of   Murcia's cuisine is known worldwide thanks to its
 found at Plaza Belluga square: the Bishop's Palace (18th   Murcia and it is visited by a great number of pilgrims.   vegetables. Besides tasting traditional dishes, available
 century), with a rococo facade, and the Santa María   Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta, Murcia's patron saint,   at most of the city's restaurants, you can go out for
 Cathedral (14th century), with an amply decorated baroque   is descended from the mountains to the city twice a   tapas and enjoy them at any of its lively squares all year
 facade next to an impressive 92 m tower. In the inside, the   year in a religious pilgrimage with plenty of believers: in   round, due to Murcia's wonderful weather. Try the
 Capilla de los Vélez chapel stands out, being a great   spring, for the coronation anniversary worships; in   broad bean omelette, michirones, pastel de carne,
 example of late Gothic. The baroque style can be   September, for the patron saint's festivities, which   marineras, pisto or zarangollo at Plaza de San Juan and
 appreciated in many Murcian ecclesiastical buildings, such   coincide with Murcia's Fair. From the sanctuary, you will   Plaza de las Flores. Mouth-watering!
 as Santa Ana Conventual Church, Santo Domingo Church   enjoy wonderful views of the city and its surroundings.
 and San Nicolás Church.
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