Antigua Oficina de Correos y Telégrafos
Fellow Travelers, 2010
Fellow Travelers - For Manifesta 8 in the Region of Murcia, Red76 attempts to address issues of sustainable cultural ecology, stepping lightly among the landmines strewn along the visitor's path, on their way towards a resolution, which must still remain unresolved. Somewhere between Solidarity and Indecipherability lies an intersection for individuals who desire intimacy, learning and respect. What begins as a seeming mistranslation - on a t-shirt, in a message, between people - leads to a much deeper engagement. Follow the path of your "Fellow Travelers" and don't worry if you don't catch everything. ("All the power to people!")
Sam Gould
1976, Manhattan. Lives and works in Portland, Oregon/Minneapolis, Minnesota
Gabriel Mindel-Saloman
1977, Oakland. Lives and works in Vancouver, B.C.
Nomadic in nature, Red76's origins reside in Portland, Cascadia/Oregon wherein it was founded in the winter of 2000. The socio-historical landscape of the Cascadian region greatly informs the methodological underpinnings of their work. The group, often in flux and geographically dispersed, is the moniker for initiatives most often conceived by Sam Gould, and collaboratively realised with the assistance of Gabriel Mindel-Saloman, Zefrey Throwell, Dan S. Wang, Mike Wolf, Laura Baldwin, and many others. Often situating itself in public space, or creating an atmosphere wherein the definition of space maybe have an opportunity to redefine itself, Red76 initiatives utilise overlooked histories and commonly shared occurrences as a means to create a framework in which to construct their public inquiries. Social histories, collaborative research, parallel politics, free media, alternative educational constructs, gatherings, masking, and public dialogue play a continued and vital role within the methodology and concepts of Red76's work.